Farming for the health of the planet


We help people looking to make a positive contribution to the crises of climate change and biodiversity loss by delivering fresh produce grown in ways that restore depleted soil and create habitat for threatened species.

In these times of increasing concern for the environment, I’m sure you’re worried about what the future might hold for us and our kids.

you’re doing everything you can to minimize your ecological footprint - recycling, composting and buying organic produce, but you still feel like it’s not enough and you’re looking for that next step to take.

I know that feeling, because it’s the same one that led me to regenerative agriculture.

When I found out what a huge impact conventional farming has on the planet, it became a real struggle to find food that I was confident met the most basic standards of sustainability.

These days, even organic farms are using more and more chemicals. They might be based on natural ingredients, but they’re still toxins that leave the soil dead with no place for wildlife, especially when they’re sprayed in the vast quantities that giant industrial farms use.

Now though, more and more farmers, researchers and conservationists are recognizing regenerative agriculture as the answer to the existential dilemmas of climate change and biodiversity loss. Even more than stopping the damage, this system of farming brings the promise of reversing the crisis and restoring so much of what we’ve lost.

Regenerative agriculture is a system of farming principles and practices that increases biodiversity, enriches soils, improves watersheds, and enhances ecosystem services, such as water purification, or carbon sequestration. 

On our farm, we’re using a no-till system combined with regular applications of compost and mulch, leaving roots of harvested crops in the soil and inter-planting with perennial shrubs, all with the aim of capturing carbon and increasing the diversity of flora and fauna on the land.

Every box of veg that you buy is a contribution to reducing carbon emissions.

About ten years ago, I was coordinating a community garden in Oxford in the UK, teaching people about the benefits of regenerative techniques for the soil, the air, the water and animal life.

After years of teaching other people about these practices and growing for myself on a small scale while still watching the state of the environment deteriorate further and further, I realized it was time to scale up my efforts and start growing commercially to really make a difference.

I’m now committing myself to helping others make that same positive contribution to the health of our planet and the future of our kids. You can too by supporting our farm through our Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) veg box program!

On our two acre plot in Ramona, we can grow produce year round for 150 to 200 households. With your support we can expand this project and be an example for other communities of farmers and customers across the country.

Click here to join the CSA now

Farmer Andy

Farmer Andy

Grow Eco’s first crops, June 2019

Grow Eco’s first crops, June 2019