Tex-Mex Tofu Scramble


This is our first community recipe, shared with us by Ryan Woempner and having tried it myself a few days ago I can truly say I’ve found my new favorite weekend breakfast treat!

I can think of so many variations and ingredients that would work in this recipe to keep it fresh every time I make it. If you’re not a vegan and you don’t have tofu or nutritional yeast on hand then you can substitute in eggs and cheese. i’d guess about 6 eggs and a quarter cup of strong flavored cheese would do the trick and other veggies that would work great include peppers, chard, tomatoes, green beans, peas, eggplant, etc, etc.


  • 1 tbsp Olive Oil

  • ½ Cup White Onion, diced

  • 1 or 2 Zucchinis, Diced

  • 1 Cup ­Kale or Spinach, finely chopped

  • 1 15oz Can of Black Beans, Drained

  • 1 16oz Brick of Firm Tofu

  • 1 tsp Salt

  • 1 tsp Pepper

  • 1 tbsp Ground Turmeric

  • ½ tbsp Cayenne Powder (Or Paprika)

  • 2 tbsp Nutritional Yeast

  • 1 tbsp Soy Sauce

Serving Suggestions

  • 1 Avocado

  • Cilantro to Taste

  • Pico de Gallo

  • Your Favorite Hot Sauce!

Cooking Instructions

  1. Heat the olive oil in a large skillet and add the on onion, zucchini and kale (or spinach), and saute until the veggies are soft,

  2. Drain the black beans and add them to the skillet, stirring occasionally until they’re done.

  3. Press the tofu with a tofu press, or squeeze with your hands over the sink to remove the excess water, then crumble the tofu into the skillet. I just squeeze small bits with my thumb and fingers to get the right crumbliness. You’ll want roughly half inch crumbles. Stir it all up.

  4. Add the salt, pepper, turmeric, cayenne (or paprika if cayenne is too spicy) nutritional yeast and soy sauce. Stir it all together and cook until the tofu is slightly browned and a little bit crispy.

  5. Serve and garnish with avocado slices and cilantro. You might also top it with pico de gallo and your favorite hot sauce!

Andrew Williamson